I have posted this query once or twice before, and it apparently hit the
list when nobody who knew anything about the problem was currently
reading it. Since those unproductive attempts, I have invested probably
eight or ten hours in scouring the Web for references to this problem,
and cannot find any mention of it. It strains credulity to suppose that
I am the only user that's ever experienced this, but maybe it's so.

Ubuntu 12.04,  Evolution 3.2.3,  Using Evo for at least 7 years, 
about 9000 msgs currently in all folders

I have somehow, and no, I have no idea whether it was an action I
precipitated or not, though I *am* a terrible typist <g>, had some of my
folders involuntarily moved to rest under other folders, in an
apparently random selection. There they stay, because Evo is not letting
me move them back to where they belong. All of the relocated folders in
question were originally located at the "top" level; in other words,
under "On This Computer", in Evo's parlance. The program refuses to move
them back to that level, and worse, gives no clue as to why, beyond a
yellow bar at the top, with a little grey box at the far right
containing the word "Dismiss".

Evo will let me move these folders anywhere I wish, provided I move them
to live *under* some other "top-level" folder. But I cannot move them to
where they belong, which is on the same "top" level as all the other
primary folders in use.

Which by the way currently number some 23 over and above the default
folders like Inbox and Sent and Trash. Some of those folders do have
intentionally-created  subfolders, usually just one or two, but in one
case a fluctuating population of six to nine which changes at need.

But a few of those now have interlopers - folders which were formerly on
their level, but have now unaccountably and randomly ended up as
somebody's subfolder. Of course that messes up the filter rules, and
hides those folders from the user, so it would be nice to fix it.

A problem which may be related is that intermittently, with no
discernible pattern, Evo refuses to move a given mail message from one
folder to another. Sometimes it will do it, sometimes it won't. And
there's no readily apparent identification of what makes the

So what's up with these move problems? Am I expecting Evo to store 
too large a volume of messages? Am I overlooking some switch in the
setup which might be influencing this? Am I just SOL?

Thanks in advance,

At an April 2010 town hall meeting, [Rep. Phil] Hare [D-Ill] stated on
camera, "I don't worry about the Constitution on this"... in the same
interview, Hare said, "I believe it (the Constitution) says 'life, 
liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'" When it was pointed out to him
that was actually from the Declaration of Independence, Hare said,
"It doesn't matter to me."

Hare, a two-term former union boss, lost his seat in the 2010 election.
 W. Brewster Gillett            b...@fdi.us            Portland, OR  USA
 Simply because you don't like to hear it, that doesn't make it untrue.

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