On Sat, 2014-10-04 at 14:59 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
> > > 
> > > I'm not entirely clear about something here - your screen shot shows
> > > that the sent folder is "ChrisP/INBOX/Sent" - so presumably the
> > > Evolution account "ChrisP" is a Maildir folder on your own computer?  If
> > > so, then surely the folder name should be ".INBOX.Sent"?  Or if the
> > > "INBOX" mail folder is really the "Inbox" (other than just being called
> > > that!), then it would be "..Sent". The .Sent directory refers to the
> > > Maildir folder "ChrisP/Sent".
> > > 
> > Correct, all mail goes to a Maildir folder with their own '.' name. This
> > is exactly the same way Evo was setup on my old Mandriva box before it
> > died including the settings that were in the screenshot. All that should
> > be doing is telling Evo that 'Sent' is a separate folder in the Maildir
> > folder. Maybe I should have mentioned, if I didn't, that I have this
> > setup as a local IMAP account using CourierIMAP so in the Maildir folder
> > I have cur, new, tmp for the INBOX and the rest of the folders are in
> > '.' format. that have their own cur, new, tmp folders. But, you probably
> > know this.
> Why not just have it as a local Maildir account rather than getting
> Courier involved in it? 
> Anyway, presumably the setup of having all the mail folders appearing to
> hang off INBOX is a Courier config thing and is just presentational
> rather than reflecting the structure of the folders on the disk.
> >  And again, this problem doesn't happen every time but it's
> > intermittent. For instance I just replied to another post on this list
> > and it saved to the correct 'Sent' folder. I guess the real question is
> > what does this mean:
> > 
> > Error appending message: Stream has outstanding operation
> It's a Glib error - from the source code:
> ======
>   if (stream->priv->pending)
>     {
>       g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_PENDING,
>                     /* Translators: This is an error you get if there is
>                      * already an operation running against this stream when
>                      * you try to start one */
>                     _("Stream has outstanding operation"));
>       return FALSE;
>     }
> =====
> Can you see from the logs if the error is generated by Evo or is it
> passed back to Evo by Courier?  It strikes me that some thread may be
> having problems writing -  the problem is finding what: is it Courier
> writing to the disk or Evo writing to IMAP.
> P.
I can't find any logs for courier or the imap daemon anywhere. The issue
is still intermittent. Of 5 test posts to myself 2 saved to the right
sent folder the other 3 showed the error. Stopping the imap daemon of
course kills the connection.

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