On 27 October 2016 at 18:48, Bart Vliegen <bvlie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply poc. You als have [Gmail] as a subfolder of your
> account.
> Basically what I want is for my Gmail-account to be the single account /
> folder in Evolution. So my Gmail inbox is also my Evolution inbox. This can
> easily be done in Thunderbird, I am just looking for a way to make this work
> in Evolution.
> I checked folder subscriptions, they won't accomplish what I want.
> Regards,
> Bart

I have set my Gmail accounts up to show All mail, Sent, Spam, Starred
- just four.... which is the way I like it. The various labels
irritate me so in Settings I have hidden them leaving just the four I
want. I think you cannot have your Inbox as 'mainmail box' as inbox is
a label like 'sent' is. This is where Gmail is different to other
providers - for better or worse. I have used yahoo and used the Inbox
as my 'all mailbox' which is what i think you are trying to do in

In Gmail 'All Mail' is your main mailbox. As for the Inbox i set a
filter 'if the email does not contain the words
"thtrftefdersewdfcgfv4356975" (some gibberish) - Archive. So all
received mail goes into the All mail box (archived).

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