On Sun, 2017-03-19 at 12:28 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> Off-topic:
> Something about _real issues_, one issue by it's nature affects
> Evolution, too.
> An issue for the iOS MUA is that it seems not to support plain text,
> instead it does enforce multipart and the plain text of the multipart
> is without automatic line breaks. IIRC all web interfaces, at least
> Yahoo/Rocketmail, Alice/O2, Zoho and Mail.com provide at least a plain
> text option. I don't know if they automatically break lines.
> At least for the iPad, the quoting style could be tricky. By default
> it's _not_


I've found the iPad to work fine for quoting style, it just requires
somewhat different strokes 
than Evolution. We spent a month in Europe a while back, and had no
trouble answering
emails on the iPads.  Plus we could read our hometown newspaper every
day with Safari :-)

Even further off-topic, I have been very impressed with Apple's support;
my iPad's hardware
recently entered a failure mode (the "HOME" button  stopped working) and
Apple had a solution
in about 30 seconds, with a software construct that pops a virtual
"HOME" button on the screen
that works exactly like the defunct physical one did. They didn't have
to be that creative - they
could have just said, "Sorry, no hope" and induced me to buy a
replacement iPad. That no doubt
would have been MicroSoft's approach :-) The one criticism I might level
is that that trick was
not covered, as far as I could find, anywhere in any of the manuals to
which I have access.

But that's a minor quibble, and it could well be there and I just didn't
find it.



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