
> it would be good to know the Evolution version
> It's important, things could change meanwhile

of course! sorry... i'm too used to talk with debian users.

    evolution 3.30.5-1.1

> > now my first question: let's say i want to visualize the remote
> > agendas of my colleages in evolution:
> If you mean 'visualize' like 'add a (shared?) calendar', then ...

not really shared as i don't need write rights.

> > use one of them as a template for the next one.
> > * is it true?

> ... depending on your version, yes or no. When you
> File->New->Collection Account and fill your WebDAV (CalDAV+CardDAV)
> credentials (and eventually also server address (can be with path)),
> then it'll auto-add all available books/calendars/memo/task lists
> configured for that user.

excellent. so i have to update to test it (File/new/ don't have the
"Collection Account" entry)

> Depending on your version, evolution-data-server allows getting .source
> templates from a shared directory and adds them to the user list of
> configured calendars/books/... depending what the .source defines.
> There is:
>    $ gsettings get org.gnome.evolution-data-server autoconfig-directory

cool. i wasn't aware about the data-server. i just uploaded the doc and
will read it.

the key is empty for the moment.

> which had been added as part of > 
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=775640
> which is related to > https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=773156
> and one other in the chain of bugs.

so it should work for me.

> Even there was planned to write some documentation for this (as an
> extract of the bug comments), it never happened, unfortunately. Check
> for example this thread:
> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/evolution-list/2019-November/msg00096.html

thanks for this and all the rest of this message: it was really
informative. i'll level up on this and come back later to feed back.

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