Thanks Pete, That previous post was one of the about 60% to 75% from
the evolution list that hotmail puts straight in its junk folder and I
don't see. It is not every message in a thread, and not every thread,
but is very annoying.
Hence I didn't see the actual previous message, so thank you very much
for sending a direct link to it from the archive which I asked for.
Andre seemed to take offence at the request and thought that I thought
that he was asking a question - no, the question I referred to was
Kai's original question which was interesting (to me).
Anyway all is clear now, but my problem with hotmail randomly deciding
evolution list messages are spam remains. I'm reluctant to mess with
the hotmail settings as their junk filters are pretty accurate for
everything else. And I don't want one of my other mail accounts to get
filled up with the  traffic on this list, most of which doesn't concern
me. It is better to keep it in hotmail which I use for all the
companies that insist on sending marketing type emails in addition to
the actual business I do with them. In principle I can then simply
browse the hotmail inbox to catch up if there is anything interesting
(to me) on this list - but of course about two thirds of it has
disappeared down the spam plughole and been auto-deleted by the time I
get round to checking.
So it goes. So many questions. So many answers fired into a dummy load.
Thanks for the link, helpful.
 On Sat, 2020-11-07 at 10:30 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
> At the bottom of every message to this list there is:
> >
> Where you can find all the previous posts, even if you don't
> personally
> keep the messages to the list.
> And this is a message posted the day before 
> This current thread and the one in the link above are next to each
> other. They are consecutive messages to the list, in fact "the
> previous" thread.
> P.
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