
I just tried the unlock command and nothing happened. My terminal is just sitting there.

chris@localhost:~> gnome-keyring-daemon -help
gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, insecure memory might get used
  gnome-keyring-daemon [OPTION…] - The Gnome Keyring Daemon

Help Options:
  -h, --help                              Show help options

Application Options:
  -s, --start                             Start a dameon or initialize an already running daemon.   -r, --replace                           Replace the daemon for this desktop login environment.
  -f, --foreground                        Run in the foreground
  -d, --daemonize                         Run as a daemon
  -l, --login                             Run by PAM for a user login. Read login password from stdin   --unlock                                Prompt for login keyring password, or read from stdin
  -c, --components=pkcs11,secrets,ssh     The optional components to run
  -C, --control-directory                 The directory for sockets and control data
  -V, --version                           Show the version number and exit.

chris@localhost:~> gnome-keyring-daemon --unlock
gnome-keyring-daemon: insufficient process capabilities, insecure memory might get used

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