
I am running Evolution 3.40.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS installed through

I am using EWS to access my work Office365 email, and it seems to work
great and I have over  50,000 or messages. My colleagues can't tell that I
have (mostly) left Outlook!

Work have turned on 2FA using the Microsoft authenticator app - but I only
have to respond to those requests when actually running Outlook on Windows
- Evolution on Ubuntu seems to bypass the 2FA.

I have noticed that there are 240 Sync Issues shown in the Conflicts folder.

Is there a way to re-try or resolve these?

The number doesn't seem to be changing at all, and the messages span what
appears to be over a wide and random time period, from the year 2016 when
my O365 mailbox was created through to last week and messages from various
folders too. I did run out of disk space for a short time recently, which
may not have helped!

Not sure if this is at all related, but I have noticed that offline mode
doesn't work in all folders.
I have ensured that  every folder is ticked for "Copy folder content
locally for offline operation" but it doesn't do that for every email. If I
test it when offline, then some messages open - and some others within the
same folder report that they are not available offline.

I can't see how to force a re-sync or where it thinks it is up to.


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