On Tue, 2021-04-20 at 17:04 +0200, Stephen Martin via evolution-list
> When trying to sync iCloud account (via IMAP) I get "Error retrieving
> folder list for "username" / Error fetching folders: Parse Error (took
> 0ms)" and no folders for the account are displayed in the folder tree.
> It worked fine yesterday.

could there be created a new folder on the server?

You can run Evolution as this:

   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io evolution

to see the raw IMAP communication. Ideally have enabled only one IMAP
account, if you've more, to not have interleaved the output from
different accounts. I guess the server returns something in a LIST or
LSUB response what tricks the libcamel (part of the evolution-data-

It would be interesting to see whether the current stable version
(3.40.0) will also misbehave on that. Maybe if you could give a try to
a prebuilt Flatpak version from Flathub [1], which might be the easiest
way to do test it. Note the Flatpak version is not integrated with the
rest of the desktop the same way as the native version.

[1] https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.gnome.Evolution

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