On Thu, 2021-04-22 at 15:09 +0200, Louis van Dyk wrote:
> So, since the option is enabled in my preferences, should I rather
> disable that?

it really only helped to reproduce it, at least for me. It didn't help
at all for some other users. What you might ideally do is to apply the

   $ cd /tmp/
   $ wget https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution/-/commit/6a7df753b5e.patch 
-O evo.patch
   $ cd /usr/share/evolution/webkit/
   $ sudo patch -p3 </tmp/evo.patch

Press enter twice to acknowledge the test-html-editor-units-bugs.c
cannot be found. Then run Evolution as a regular user.

> I'd missed that the sender was another account.

Ah, I see. If you sort messages to a certain folder and you always use
a single account for those messages, then you can right-click the
folder name in the folder tree, pick Properties and there choose the
correct account as the Send Account Override. It helps to avoid
mistakes. The Edit->Preferences->Composer Preferences->Send Account tab
contains the overrides at a single place, including to prefer certain
account when sending to certain recipient(s) (like when you do not sort
messages to the folders).


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