On Wed, 2021-09-01 at 19:06 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> On Wed, 2021-09-01 at 18:46 +0200, Vincent Hennebert via evolution-list
> wrote:
> > I thought the first 2 warnings might have been associated with my
> > other email accounts but actually not, I temporarily disabled them.
>         Hi,
> if I'm not mistaken then the Single-Sign-On (SSO) page your company
> provides supports also the Kerberos (GSSAPI) login, which could not be
> used here (the error says), even it had been tried. In other words,
> having configured Kerberos on the machine and the tickets granted with
> the `kinit` you may not need to enter the credentials into the SSO
> page. If I'm not wrong. There are surely companies, where the the SSO
> works this way.

Hmmm. I installed the krb5-workstation package to see if things would
magically work but I get the same gssapi warning. I had not installed
any kerberos-specific package before, beyond what the distribution
installs by default. Not sure if I need to configure anything else?

Also, when I click ‘Check for Supported Types’ in the account
configuration, Kerberos ends up being stricken out. But IIUC, that
doesn’t mean that I can’t use it for the SSO part?

> > I’ve just tried again leaving the Tenant ID empty and I get the same
> > error.
> Does the log confirm the 'common' tenant is used in this case? The
> `evolution --force-shutdown` may make sure the things will work as
> expected in all the processes (though it should not be needed to call).

Yes, in that POST request it uses the tenant ID when I specify it and
‘common’ otherwise. Are you saying that I should try specifying the
tenant ID but override it with ‘common’ in that POST request? How would
I do that?

Although as indicated in my other message, that’s where DavMail seems
to be diverging in the authentication process,
using https://login.microsoftonline.com/login.srf instead.

> You mentioned Flatpak. Things work differently there, especially the
> --force-shutdown. The accounts are defined separately as well, they are
> not shared with the host system. Thus if you change anything in the
> account settings in the Flatpak Evolution, it's not propagated into the
> host system settings and vice versa. As long as you can get the latest
> code in the distribution, I suggest to use that. The Flatpak is good
> for distros where it's not possible, for its price.

That confirms the conclusion I had reached, thanks for that. I removed
the Flatpak version a while ago and all the logs and errors I’m showing
in this email thread come from the distro-provided version.


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