On Mon, 2001-12-10 at 00:03, Jeff Soule wrote:
> I think that I do...
> How can I verify it?  The Gnome Control Center/HTML Viewer says that I
> do.  Also the gnome-spell-component starts when creating an email 
> ps -e | grep gnome-spell
> 15727 ?        00:00:00 gnome-spell-com
> ?
> /Jeff

If you are checking the Control Center as a user, then I would believe
that it has been checked.  It just seemed like a possibility on your
system where you have spell checking that works but only for one user
(root), that maybe the HTML Viewer had only been adjusted for root
settings and not for each of your users.

Other than that, I can not help you very much.  I currently have 3 SuSE
(SuSE 7.2 and 7.3) systems setup to enjoy spell checker in Evolution. 
The way it is accomplished in SuSE ( which may mean nothing to your RH
system) is as follows:
1.  Install pspell-0.12.2-ximian.4.i386 using your preferred RPM manager
to overwrite the existing and higher version numbered files.
2.  Use the SuSE program YaST (like rpm --force) to install
aspell- and gnome-spell-0.4-ximian.1.i386.  There
are dependency problems reported that need to be forced through when
installing these rpms in SuSE.  The YaST program will also run a
configuration utility called SuSEconfig after the installation of the
3.  Go to gnome control center and turn on spell checking.
4.  Log off and then log on.

In SuSE the sequence of installation is important to get evolution spell
checking to work.  Pspell-0.12.2 MUST be installed before aspell and
gnome-spell.  Perhaps you can remove pspell, aspell and gnome-spell from
your system and then reinstall in sequence?  


Ralph Sanford       -       If your government does not trust you,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -   should you trust your government?

DH/DSS Key   -   0x7A1BEA01

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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