On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 23:48, Damon Chaplin wrote:
> On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 15:49, Randy Orrison wrote:
> > It's strange, because it's so obvious, but I can't find it in bugzilla. 
> > Here's my repro script:
> > Go to the calendar folder
> > Click Week view
> > Click New Appointment
> > Enter Test for Summary
> > Enter today and 6pm for Start Time
> > Enter today and 7pm for End Time
> > Click Save and Close
> > Observe that the Start Time as displayed in today's box on the calendar
> > is 559pm
> > 
> > This is 100% reproducable for me.  It happened with 0.99.2, and is still
> > happening now with 1.0.  I'm using the package from debian unstable.
> > 
> > I would report this in bugzilla, but since it's so obvious I have to
> > suspect that it's something wrong with my installation, rather than a
> > real bug.  Any suggestions?
> > 
> > (There are a host of other similar little calendar bugs, as well.  Such
> > as: Click Day View on the Toolbar, click Go To on the Toolbar, click Go
> > To Today, get Wednesday (it's Friday); or click on Saturday in the month
> > calendar on the main view and get Thursday, or the test appointment that
> > I just created in Week View on Friday shows up in day view on
> > Thursday...  What's going on???)
> I suspect a packaging problem or a timezone problem.
> What timezone do you have set on the machine? What do 'date' and 'date
> -u' output?

$ date
Sat Dec 15 00:11:07 GMT 2001
$ date -u
Sat Dec 15 00:11:30 UTC 2001

(I live in England, we're not currently on British Summer Time, so
current local time == GMT == UTC.)

The TZ environment variable doesn't appear to be set.  Is there another
timezone setting somewhere?

> What timezone are you using in Evolution?

It's currently set to UTC, but I've just changed it to Europe/London.

> You could try running 'wombat' and 'evolution-calendar' in separate
> terminals before starting Evolution and see if they output any warnings.

Both gave
> Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library

wombat didn't exit when I closed evolution, and when I restarted it it

> wombat-pcs-Message: cal_notify_categories_changed(): Could not
> notify the listener about the current set of categories
> wombat-pcs-Message: cal_notify_categories_changed(): Could not
> notify the listener about the current set of categories

> Damon


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