I don't know what I did, but I'm having a really odd/annoying problem
with Evolution 1.0...

For weeks, it worked fine.  Now, I seem to run into frozen controls
fairly frequently (every other folder/message switch or so).  That is,
I'll jump to a new folder, and suddenly, nothing works except for the
message selection pane.  Scrollbars, menu, all frozen.  If I change the
currently-selected message, then change back to the original message,
the controls are freed up and start to work again.  Sometimes, it
happens with the folder selection pane -- everything's frozen until I
pick a new folder, then switch back.

This is driving me batty. :-)

I'm wondering if I may have installed an RPM recently that hosed me... 
Any ideas on what may be causing thing?  Any ideas on what pieces/parts
control this kind of behavior, for which I might try a reinstall? :-)


John Klassa / Cisco Systems / RTP, NC / USA / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / <><
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evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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