I am having problems creating messaages, when you hit the "new message" 
button or ctrl+N i intermitently get an error

        Could not create composer window
        Unable to activate HTML editor component.

        The error from the component system is:
        Unknown CORBA exception id: 'IDL:CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0'

but after hitting the ok button and retrying it will work. some times it
takes a few tries.

I am running redhat 7.1, evolution 1.1, and the latest gnome stuff.
I did find multiple libgtkhtml's. I removed the extra's. I checked the


        <?xml version="1.0"?>

which includes a path to the evolution oaf files. all the binaries are
in /usr/bin, which is in the default path.

ANY info would be greatly apreciated.

DuWayne Holsbeck

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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