Well, even if it didn't make sense it's the only answer we've seen so
far.  :)

I think I'll have to play around with it using your suggestions to fully
realize its use.  And then persuade the doc writers to do the same.  :)


On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 10:41, Anna Marie Dirks wrote:
> Hi Marc, 
> > 
> > 1) At the bottom of the Contact Editor, New Appointment, and New Task
> > screens (and next to the "Categories" field) is a field for "Contacts"
> > which, when queried, opens a Contact List chooser.  I don't understand
> > the purpose of this "Contacts" field.  Can someone explain?
> > 
> This field is designed to let you associate contacts with a given
> task, or appointment, or even with another contact.
> For example, imagine that you want to organize a birthday party for a
> friend. You could use the task editor (what you called the "New Task"
> screen) to do this by entering all of your responsibilities (make a
> cake, blow up balloons, etc) into the "Description" text box, and you
> could use the "Contacts" field to make a list of people you'd eventually
> like to invite. 
> Contacts kept in this field won't be emailed when you save the task..
> the list of contacts is just there to help you keep track or people.
> Does this make sense?
> good luck, 
> Anna

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