On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 18:33, Greg Macek wrote:
> Are there any plans to implement an "Archive" function in Evolution?
> This could really come in handy for people who have years of email (like
> myself) stored, but rarely access. It would be convenient to have an
> interface to this, perhaps zipping up the folders you want archived and
> storing those files wherever you wanted. Then, if/when the time comes
> you need something, you can un-archive the file back into Evo. 

- Create a new local account with a maildir or mbox store
- Move to this account the messages you want to archive
- Deactivate the account
- Store away the maildir or mailbox wherever you want. Burning a CD
comes to mind.

Reading the archived mail is exactly as simple : create a new local
account and select your archive as the maildir or mbox store.

As a bonus, your archive is readable by anything that can read standard
mailbox formats. For example, "mutt -f archive_file" will open it.

The tools you already have can do more than you think.

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