fre 2002-09-20 klockan 21.00 skrev Tom Ball:
> On Thu, 2002-09-19 at 12:55, Tony Earnshaw wrote:
> > The easiest way for me, as mortal user, to turn my keyboard into a
> > German keyboard, is to go into an xterm (command-line screen, like an
> > MSDOS command screen but subtly different, you don't have to go out of
> > Evo) and enter 'setxkbmap de'. Hey presto, German keyboard, which will
> > print too :-)
> > 
> > "But I don't want a German keyboard," you say; "I just want an umlaut."
> > 
> > It's a hard life, Sean, a hard life.
> Life is not that hard, at least for entering international characters.
> :-)

> That mostly worked, except that 115 has keyboard repeat on by default,
> which makes using it as a modifier difficult.  I couldn't figure out how
> to modify this in X, so as a hack I added "/usr/bin/X11/xset -r 115" as
> a GNOME startup program (GNOME Control Center/Advanced).  If someone
> knows the correct way to make this change, please let me know.  In any
> event, it appears to work.

Download xkeycaps from the web, it has a nice GUI and alows you to
dump a xmodmap file with your changes. I moved my ALT key and my Win key
is now Meta my ~ is no-longer dead etc... nice little changes..
to bad that if you put them in the .bashrc file you can't do working
SSH sessions.. but it's ok..

> If this is too much work (or my instructions don't work on your system),
> there is always the Programs/Utilities/GNOME Character Map application. 

Wow I didnt even know there was one..

> Tom
Mårten Woxberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University of Linköping

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