tir, 2002-10-01 kl. 03:27 skrev Steven Johnson:

> Related question: Can you configure it to automatically accept any email
> that is from an email address in Contacts? (That, it would seem, would
> eliminate the lion's share of false positives.)

At the moment there is no Evolution support at all for Spamassassin.
Which is a pity, because with each new version (presently 2.5x) it's
getting to be an indispensible utility.

I run spamd as a server daemon that interacts with my smtp mail server
and a stub, spamc, that interacts with the perl based spamd daemon.
That's my privilige, I have my own server and workstation all-in-one, an
el Cheapo  Compaq Presario notebook. How the perl-based standalone
Spamassassin would interface with procmail or Evolution I don't know,
'cos I've never had to use that. There is a legion of configuration
possibilities that would have to be integrated into Evo, and to make use
of all the possibilities every user would have to make sure that his/her
version of both Evo and Spamassassin was kept up to date.

That there's need for such a utility is obvious. At $US 30 per seat for
Outlook and a shameful Deersoft (the commercial Windows Spamassassin
people) too shy to give a standard price for the server version, this
could be a turnon for orgs wondering whether to go over to Linux.




Tony Earnshaw

"There are many people who can't face the truth ... If you rob a
normal person of life's lies, at the same time you'll be robbing
him of his happiness."

>From Henrik Ibsen's "Vildanden", "The wild Duck."

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