On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 13:20, Yuedong Du wrote:
> Hi , 
> I want the package. But the instruction on your page is really not easy
> to follow. I am redhat user and not familar with apt.
> Can you just give me a direct link?
> Thanks
> York Du
The reason I have an Apt repository is to resolve dependencies
automatically - documentation is ample at http://freshrpms.net . This is
Apt for RPM, and a lot of Red Hat users are using it to get multimedia
goodies (working DVD player, MP3 plugin for XMMS, etc.) for their stock
Red Hat distribution (hint, hint.. )

Basically if you install the Apt RPM from the link to FreshRPMS
provided, modified its source list (/etc/apt/sources.list) and add my
repository to the list as instructed on the webpage, you can then just

apt-get update
apt-get install evolution

or better still,

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

and have the shiny Evo 1.1.2 :) But failing that, there is the 'browse
files' section, just dig through my site to
apt/redhat/8.0/en/i386/RPMS.ms and download evolution, pilot-link,
gnome-pilot, oaf, soap, ... etc. until Evolution stops complaining and
install properly. You might want to install the upgraded jpilot as well
if you use it, since the old one will break due to the pilot-link

In other word, messy. Use the force; use Apt :) I only fall back to
using Red Hat's up2date now when FreshRPMS does not have the required
Red Hat update.



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Michel Alexandre Salim
Web:            http://salimma.freeshell.org
GPG/PGP key:    http://salimma.freeshell.org/files/crypto/publickey.asc

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