ons, 2002-11-06 kl. 05:40 skrev Dan:

> Ah, this is exactly the information I needed.  Modifying that file
> appropriately causes links to open in the browser of my choice.  Many
> thanks, Andreas.

Doesn't help me any with Gnome 1.4; OTOH I've always used Nautilus and
right clicked on a .htm/.html, .doc etc to get my default apps.




> On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 20:13, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> > check this file:
> > aj@simulacron:~$ cat .gnome/Gnome 
> > 
> > [URL Handlers]
> > default-show=gnome-moz-remote "%s"
> > info-show=gnome-help-browser "%s"
> > man-show=gnome-help-browser "%s"
> > ghelp-show=gnome-help-browser "%s"
> > http-show=gnome-moz-remote "%s"
> > https-show=gnome-moz-remote "%s"
> > ftp-show=gnome-moz-remote "%s"
> > aj@simulacron:~$ 
> > 
> > I don't know what the gui control applications do, but changeing this
> > file should do what you want.
> > 
> > Andreas
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Tony Earnshaw

Could have been Henrik Ibsen's, Ole Bull's,
Henrik Wergelands's, Camilla Collet's and more's
last words, but weren't: «Fanden helder, helder
det at have sadset og at have tabt, end det at
 ikke have sadset i det hele taget.»

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