On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 16:17, Mark Lowes wrote:
> Am I missing something or is there no way of configuring 1.2 to use an
> external file for it's sig.  It appears to be "import into the editor
> and save" or "script" as the only options.

Seems so :)

Interestingly I never needed to add a new signature since I upgraded
from 1.0.x but just noticed that the only way adding a file as a
signature is copying/importing its contents to a new signature using the
add button. BTW, I can live with this.
Enver ALTIN (a.k.a. skyblue)   - Software developer, generic solvent
http://enver.casdb.com/        - mailto: ealtin at casdb dot com
http://enver.casdb.com/CV.html - Just me, myself and I.

"Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense"

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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