Le mar 19/11/2002 à 22:09, Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka a écrit :
> > I use Spamassassin (http://www.spamassassin.org/). I run it as a daemon,
> > and have an Evolution rule that pipes the message to "/usr/bin/spamc
> > -c", and if it does not return 0, files the message as Spam.
> Please, can you explain it with more details? Where can I create
> Evolution rules and how? I am sorry, I am new in using Evolution and
> cannot handle it?
> Many thanks
> Vlsda

I'm not an expert but I hope these instructions can help you.

These are the steps I took for my installation on Mandrake 9.0 with
Evolution 1.2.

1) Install Spamassassin. You can download the 2.43 version at this
address :


If you choose the RPM version (as I did), there are 3 files to download
and install : 

- perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-2.43-2.i386.rpm
- spamassassin-2.43-2.i386.rpm
- spamassassin-tools-2.43-2.i386.rpm

2) Test Spamassasin as explained in the documentation. 

- From /usr/share/doc/spamassassin-2.43, in a console, type :
spamassassin -t < sample-nonspam.txt > nospam.out

In a text viewer/editor, check the results in nospam.out. In the
headers, you should find Spam flags set to No.

- In console, type :

spamassassin -t < sample-spam.txt > spam.out

Check the results in spam.out. In the headers, you should find Spam
flags set to Yes.

If it seems to work well, you can go to the next step.

3) In Evolution 1.2, create a filter (Tools > Filters > Add) as followed


Pipe Message to Shell Command "/usr/bin/spamassassin -e" "does not
return" "0"


Move to Folder "SpamFolderYouCreated"
Stop Processing

Next time you receive mail, it should begin to catch some spam!

4) To improve speed, it is better to use the spamd/spamc deamon/client

You must configure your services to start the spamassasin deamon (spamd)
on startup. (With the RPMs, a spamassasin file was installed in my
init.d directory. So there was nothing to do except click on a button in
the Services section of Mandrake Config Panel.)

Then in the Evolution filter, you change "spamassasin -e" for "spamc
-c". (Note : the option is -c for spamc and not -e.)

Personally, I saw a great improvement. It's almost as fast as before
when there was no spamassasin filtering.

I hope these instructions will help you. Good luck!

Now if someone could give detail instructions to install and use Vipul's
Razor. I'd be very happy myself!



evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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