Interesting, but Evolution 1.2.1 (and 1.0.8 before it) only showed the
list server appended signature to me, and none of the message body.  I
was hoping that forwarding it as an attachment (rather than in line)
would have the same effect.  It's odd, but this only seems to happen
with [some] mail from that list, and it only chokes when I view it with
Evolution.  (In other words, Evolution seems to do fine with mail from
all of my other sources, and kmail and mutt seem to display the body of
these messages.)  Apparently, Evolution is seeing the list signature as
the last alternative of the body of the message.

On Sun, 2002-12-15 at 21:11, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
> If you take a look at the message source, you'll find that the message
> is a multipart/alternativewhich means that there are several
> "alternative" views of the same[1] message body which are listed in
> reverse preference order (last part is the most preferred, first part is
> the least preferred).
> What a mail client is supposed to do is show the *last* part which it is
> capable of displaying, which is exactly what Evolution is doing.
> I don't know what can be done as obviously it would not be good to show
> the user all versions of the body (imagine reading multiple copies of
> the same message all in a row - we'd probably get thousands of bug
> reports about a bug in evolution that showed multiple copies of the same
> message).
> [1] obviously, the content *does* differ. usually you'll have 1 version
> in text/html format and one in text/plain (and possibly one in
> text/richtext or text/enriched or something).
> Jeff
> On Sun, 2002-12-15 at 20:43, Arthur S. Alexion wrote:
> > The attached message shows up blank in my copy of Evolution 1.2.1.  I
> > get a lot of messages from that particular list which show up blank in
> > evolution, but are readable in kmail.  Any ideas?
Arthur S. Alexion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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