On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 18:48, Jeff Boerio wrote:
> Has anyone successfully built v1.2 of Evolution for a location other
> than /usr/bin?  Have you been able to plug in Connector to it?
> I've been pretty unsuccessful in doing so.  I have a "wrapper" for
> launching evolution and it looks like this:
> #!/bin/sh
> EVO=/usr/local/evolution/1.2.0
> GNOME=/usr/local/gnome/1.4.0
> PATH=${GNOME}/bin:${EVO}/bin:${PATH}
> OAF_INFO_PATH=${GNOME}/share/oaf:${EVO}/share/oaf
> ${EVO}/bin/evolution.bin ${@+"$@"}
> ## End
> In order to "plug in" the Connector RPM, I used rpm2cpio piped to cpio
> and installed it in $EVO.
> Whenever I would launch evolution, I would get the following dialog box:
> "Cannot activate component
> OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_ExchangeStorage_ShellComponent: The error from
> the activation system is:  Child process did not give an error message,
> unknown failure occurred.  [OK]"
> I broke down and tried to install Connector into /usr, modified my
> wrapper script so that /usr/lib and /usr/share/oaf were included in the
> respective variables, but I still get the error message.
> So, has anyone done this?  
yes, I've got evolution, and other GNOME apps compiled from sources, and
installed in /opt/gnome. That's what I've defined:

export PATH=/opt/gnome/bin:/opt/ximian/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gnome/lib:/opt/ximian/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export OAF_INFO_PATH=/opt/gnome/share/oaf:$OAF_INFO_PATH

the problem you've got, I think, is that oaf is already running when you
start your wrapper script, so it does not take into account the new

So, put these environment vars in some initialization script, such as
~/.xinitrc, ~/.xsession, ~/.bashrc, etc to make sure oaf is started with
the new setting.

Rodrigo Moya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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