Il gio, 2003-01-02 alle 14:44, guenther ha scritto:
> cheers();
> That's getting an FAQ. Can anyone add it to the FAQ list?
> > I was using Galeon 1.2.6 as default browser when clicking a link in
> > Evolution. Now my Galeon has crashed (last Moz doesn't like Galeon) and
> > I want to go back to Mozilla, but I can't remember how I told to
> > Evolution to open this or that browser. Anyone know how?
> That's not related to Evolution, thats an Gnome issue.
> Under Gnome1 you can edit this in the Gnome Control Center. Unter Gnome2
> you have to edit the file ~/.gnome/Gnome, Section URL Handlers:
> [URL Handlers]
> default-show=gnome-moz-remote --newwin "%s"

Hey, you're right :-) thank you very much.

> Also make sure, the mozilla binary is in your path. Sounds like you
> installed mozilla 1.2.1 from What does 'which mozilla' say?
> If no mozilla is found, make a symlink like:
> % ln -s /usr/local/mozilla/mozilla /usr/bin/mozilla

Mozilla 1.2.1 from It's working fine, the only  missing
thing was to be called correctly from Evolution.

Massimiliano Bini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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