On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 09:11, Paul Hands wrote:
> Steve,
> Gnomecc is the Gnome Control Center.  It's a GUI for configuring many
> parts of the Gnome desktop.
> On my machine (SuSE 8.1), it lives /opt/gnome/bin.  Interestingly, I can
> run gnomecc quite happily from the command line, but I can't find it
> with an rpm query either!  If I do a general rpm -q -a | grep -i gnome,
> I get nothing that looks like gnomecc.  OK, it must be provided as part
> of another rpm....
> If I do rpm -q --whatprovides gnomecc, I get :- no package provides
> gnomecc

Try this:

rpm -qf `which gnomecc`


evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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