Tziporet wrote,
>    * Delay 1.3 release in a week
>    * Do RC4 next week - Feb 6
>    * Add RC5 on Feb 18 - this will be the GOLD version
>    * GA release on Feb 25

>All - please reply if this is acceptable

I hate to keep slipping this, but I think it is important to get
what RedHat needs into OFED 1.3, so I am not apposed to this.

I think however that perhaps after 1.3, we should discuss our process
a bit to try to get a little better at making our original
release dates. I think we are getting hit with feature creep, allowing
some pretty major changes after the feature freeze date, late in the
release cycle.

I also think that we do need to be a little more careful
and selective about what features go into OFED, as it is suppose to be
an enterprise release rather than an experimental code release. 

For the kernel code, I think that this means keeping things a little
closer to the kernel features and if something is not
upstream, then
press for getting it upstream (or at least queued for upsteam) 
rather than allowing big patches into OFED that have not had a good
The way we are working now, if it is getting into OFED, people are less
aggressive at getting things upstream. 

Perhaps we can have a discussion about this at the Sonoma workshop.

my 2 cents,

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