On 05:24 Sun 17 Feb     , Hal Rosenstock wrote:
> > 
> > I think --with-osm option is used only to specify where OpenSM is
> > located.
> Couldn't this default to the default place where OpenSM is installed ?

I think it is when no any '--with(out)-osm' is specified.

> > > And why dos it state gen1?
> This is to select the vendor layer.

Just looked in ibutils/config/osm.m4 - it tries to find OpenSM in
"standard" plces and if it is not found decides that it should be under
IBGold installation and go to 'gen1' option.

> > When failed to detect it ibutils "thinks" it is in IBGold somewhere.
> Should it default to OpenIB (gen2 or whatever it's called in ibutils)
> rather than gen1 ?

It does so by default (when no --without-osm option is not specified).

> > I think you need to install at least opensm-libs and opensm-devel
> > packages.
> Also, libibumad.

Right, but it is in opensm-libs dependencies list.

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