Doron Shoham wrote:

I'm trying to install SCST with SRP support.

I have followed the instructions on the SRPT_README.txt file:

So far I have done the following steps:

        a. git clone git:// ~/srpt_inc
        b. Checking out scst's svn development tree revision 245
        svn co -r 245
        c. cd scst
        d. patch -p0 < ~/srpt_inc/scst_r245.patch
        e. make and make install

On the SCST's Readme file it says:
To compile SCST type 'make scst'. It will build SCST itself and its
device handlers. To install them type 'make scst_install'.

Why it is different then the instructions of the SRPT_README?

SCST readme show howto compile scst ie. *make scst scst_install* from directory ~scst/trunk

SRPT readme show howto compile scst ie. *make && make install* from directory ~scst/trunk/scst/

They will end up to be the same

2. I have also installed OFED1.3 with srpt.

but I cannot load the following modules:

modprobe scsi_tgt
FATAL: Module scsi_tgt not found.

This is the error in the SRPT_README.txt - it should say *modprobe scst* instead scsi_tgt

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