This is the agenda for OFED meeting today (Aug 25, 2008):

1. OFED 1.4 status:
   - Beta was done on Aug 21
   - Based on kernel 2.6.27-rc4
   - RHEL 4.7 is supported
   Still missing:
   - iSER (disabled from OFED now) - Voltaire
   - NFS/RDMA - no backport for distros yet - Jeff B.
   - MVAPICH2 1.1 - under work now
   - Open MPI 1.3 - Jeff S.
   - extended QP verb - Voltaire   
2. OFED 1.4 schedule
     - Alpha Release  - July 24, 2008 - done
     - Beta Release   - Aug  21, 2008 - done
     Suggestion for the RCs plan:
     - RC1            - Sept  3, 2008
     - RC2            - Sept 17, 2008
     - RC3            - Sept 25, 2008 
     - more RCs - as needed
     - GA             - Discussion on the expected date

3. OFA BOF in SC08 - Woody & Betsy

4. OFA server upgrade update - Jeff Becker

5. Open discussion 


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