I am unable to build MVAPICH2 for multiple compilers:

Building the MVAPICH2 RPM [OFA]...
Running  rpmbuild --rebuild --define '_topdir /var/tmp/OFED_topdir'
--define 'di
st %{nil}' --target x86_64 --define '_name mvapich2_gcc' --define 'impl
ofa' --d
efine 'rdma --with-rdma=gen2' --define 'ib_include
e' --define 'ib_libpath --with-ib-libpath=/usr/lib64' --define
'shared_libs 1' -
-define 'romio 1' --define 'comp_env CC=gcc CXX=g++ F77=gfortran
F90=gfortran' -
-define 'auto_req 0' --define 'mpi_selector /usr/bin/mpi-selector'
--define '_pr
efix /usr/mpi/gcc/mvapich2-1.2rc2'
Install mvapich2_gcc RPM:
Running rpm -iv --nodeps
Build mvapich2_pgi RPM
Building the MVAPICH2 RPM [OFA]...
Running  rpmbuild --rebuild --define '_topdir /var/tmp/OFED_topdir'
--define 'di
st %{nil}' --target x86_64 --define '_name mvapich2_pgi' --define 'impl
ofa' --d
efine 'rdma --with-rdma=gen2' --define 'ib_include
e' --define 'ib_libpath --with-ib-libpath=/usr/lib64' --define
'shared_libs 1' -
-define 'romio 1' --define 'comp_env CC=pgcc CXX=pgCC F77=pgf77
F90=pgf90' --def
ine 'auto_req 0' --define 'mpi_selector /usr/bin/mpi-selector' --define
Install mvapich2_pgi RPM:
Running rpm -iv --nodeps
Failed to install mvapich2_pgi RPM
See /tmp/OFED.12539.logs/mvapich2_pgi.rpminstall.log

# more /tmp/OFED.12539.logs/mvapich2_pgi.rpminstall.log
Preparing packages for installation...
        file /etc/mpe_graphics.conf from install of
mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4 confli
cts with file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4
        file /etc/mpe_log.conf from install of mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4
conflicts w
ith file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4
        file /etc/mpe_mpianim.conf from install of mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4
ts with file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4
        file /etc/mpe_mpicheck.conf from install of
mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4 confli
cts with file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4
        file /etc/mpe_mpilog.conf from install of mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4
s with file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4
        file /etc/mpe_mpitrace.conf from install of
mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4 confli
cts with file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4
        file /etc/mpe_nolog.conf from install of mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4
 with file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4
        file /etc/mpicc.conf from install of mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4
conflicts wit
h file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4
        file /etc/mpicxx.conf from install of mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4
conflicts wi
th file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4
        file /etc/mpif77.conf from install of mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4
conflicts wi
th file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4
        file /etc/mpif90.conf from install of mvapich2_pgi-1.2rc2-4
conflicts wi
th file from package mvapich2_gcc-1.2rc2-4

Scott Weitzenkamp
SQA and Release Manager
Server Access Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Tziporet Koren
> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 8:20 AM
> To: ewg@lists.openfabrics.org
> Subject: [ofa-general] OFED 1.4-RC1 is available
> Hi,
> OFED 1.4-RC1 release is available on
> http://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/OFED/ofed-1.4/OFED-1.4-rc1.tgz
> To get BUILD_ID run ofed_info
> Please report any issues in bugzilla https://bugs.openfabrics.org/ for
> OFED 1.4
> Tziporet & Vladimir
> ==============================================================
> ==========
> Release information:
> --------------------
> Linux Operating Systems:
>        - RedHat EL4 up4:       2.6.9-42.ELsmp      *
>        - RedHat EL4 up5:       2.6.9-55.ELsmp
>        - RedHat EL4 up6:       2.6.9-67.ELsmp
>        - RedHat EL4 up7:       2.6.9-78.ELsmp
>        - RedHat EL5:           2.6.18-8.el5
>        - RedHat EL5 up1:       2.6.18-53.el5
>        - RedHat EL5 up2:       2.6.18-92.el5
>        - CentOS 5.2:           2.6.18-92.el5
>        - Fedora C9:            2.6.25-14.fc9       *
>        - SLES10:     
>        - SLES10 SP1: 
>        - SLES10 SP1 up1:
>        - SLES10 SP2: 
>        - OpenSuSE 10.3:         *
>        - kernel.org:           2.6.26 and 2.6.27-rc5
>      * Minimal QA for these versions
> Systems:
>        * x86_64
>        * x86
>        * ia64
>        * ppc64
> Main Changes from OFED 1.4-beta
> ===============================
> o Kernel code based on 2.6.27-rc5
> o Added NFS-RDMA support for SLES10 SP2 and kernel 2.6.26 and 27
> o iSER backports added and its now available
> o New MPI packages: Open MPI 1.2.7, MVAPICH 1.1 and MVAPICH2 1.1
> o New DAPL libraries
> o 37 bugs fixed (see attached for details)
> Tasks that should be completed for the RC2:
> ===========================================
> 1. NFS-RDMA to work on RHEL 5.1
> 2. OSM: Cashed routing
> 3. Cleanup compilation warning
> 4. Bug fixes
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