RHEL5.4 Beta was announced last week and the Beta kernels can be found
at http://people.redhat.com/dzickus/el5.  Is there anyone currently
working on the RHEL5.4 backports for OFED 1.5?  When can we expect
something to be in-tree?

I was able to apply the kernels found at that location to a RHEL5.3
install, and did the NFSRDMA backport against it.  I can send out my
patches to create the RHEL5.4 tree and the NFSRDMA backport.  The tree
can obviously be updated when RHEL5.4 is officially released next month.
This could save us all the headache of having to wait for it to come out
before we do our backports for OFED 1.5

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