Yes indeed,  please refer to the June 09 published Logo List for details:

Best Regards,
- Bob Noseworthy
 Chief Engineer / Technical Sherpa
 +1-909-891-0090 {unified phone number for office, cell, etc}
 +1-603-862-0090 {IOL Main number-associate this with any shipments}
 University of New Hampshire's InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL)

pandit ib wrote:
Has there been any new interoperability testing between the iWARP
vendors since Oct 08?


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 9:40 AM, Bob Noseworthy<> wrote:
Greetings EWG members,
 A bug for the observed IPoIB issue was logged last Friday,  and updated
yesterday confirming that RC3 still demonstrates the issue. This is logged
as #1287 --

Further issues/observations from the recent OFA Interoperability Logo
Group's September Interoperability Event are at the end of this email.
Summary of reported IPoIB issue:
If IPoIB datagram mode is enabled,  and IP frames of 8K or larger are sent,
 and no ARP entry exists for the destination,  then the first IP frame is
always lost (ping used),  no matter what the timeout is set to (as high as

The following is a short summary of various updates from the September
OpenFabrics Interoperability Event.  Due to confidentiality reasons, many
details are occluded.  Per the request of the IWG on Oct 14, this
information is being shared with the EWG.


Below are rough notes from our testers, principally Nick Wood and Mike
IB update;

1. An SDP issue was observed once and not reproduced - suspected to be an
issue with starting testing too soon after netserver was started while all
three SDP tests were running simultaneously.   When retesting was performed
tests were not run simultaneously and no issues were seen.

2. An SRP issues was observed once and not reproduced - A vendors SRP target
was seen to become unresponsive when srp_sg_tablesize was increased to 255.
 Subsequent testing did not reproduce this behavior but is still being

2a.  A vendors HCA was seen to perform slowly on SRP transfers,  this was
traced to an issue with the default srp_sg_tablesize of 16 had to be
increased to 131 for reasonable performance.    Reminder - performance is
outside the scope of the Logo program. Tziporet - this default value perhaps
could be increased as recommended unless there is a reason 16 is preferred.

3.     There is a link issue between two vendor's HCA cards. The fix that
was introduced allowed the link indication light to come up however
ibdiagnet never completes (hangs at IPoIB subnets check) and had to be
killed. Ibdiagnet also reports the following error:

-I- PM Counters Info
-E- Could not get PM info:
 "pmGetPortCounters 0xffff 1" failed 4 consecutive times.
-E- Could not get PM info:
 "pmGetPortCounters 0xffff 1" failed 4 consecutive times.
-I- No illegal PM counters values were found

 This happens with both VendorA cards when linked to any speed card from
VendorB *without* an sm running. If there is an sm running and the fix is in
place on the machines housing the VendorA cards then everything works
flawlessly when linked with any speed VendorB card.

 Upon removal of the cable from the VendorA card, that card gets put into a
bad state; with the fix in place and an sm running. The sm does not activate
the newly established link. This happened with VendorA cards to any VendorB
card. OpenSM also reports an error on screen; OpenSM: SM port is down.
Reestablishing the connection that was in place when the opensm instance was
started restores the active state.

 One final bit of information that I have been able to glean. It does not
appear to matter if you restore the original connection that the opensm was
started on. The only connection that brings the card back to an active state
is if you link it with a qdr hca even if that connection was not the
original. If you then attempt to restore the original the active state will
not be restored.
Currently this issue is presumed to be principally a vendor matter, but if
evidence points to additional issues with ibdiagnet, or other OFED matters,
then bugs will be filed.

4.  Similar to the above issue,  it was observed that two vendor's HCAs that
should link at DDR when directly connected were actually linking at SDR
speeds, regardless of the cable used.  This is a known issue however seems
to be a failure of the Link Init test procedure as the highest denominator
speed is not achieved.

5. An issue with ibdiagnet was discovered by a vendor and bugs submitted
(unrelated to issue 3 above)


iWARP update;

1. "dapltest -T P" will not work between two  cards.  They both have
implemented a different peer2peer protocol that ensures that a client does a
transfer before the server, to overcome the limitation in the iWARP standard
that says a client must send first data or the connection must be teared

2. The section in the IWG test suite covering dapl must be updated to
include at least some reference to /etc/dat.conf which must be configured in
order to use any dapl based application including many MPIs and dapltest.
(This was being addressed by Arlin Davis)

3. dapl2.0 and dapltest2.0 do not work with iWARP devices.  From the base
OFED1.4 install dapl2.0-utils must be uninstalled and compat-dapl must be
installed from the OFED website.

4. Due to the dapl problems, Intel MPI works in single vendor environments
but will not work in multi-vendor environments.

5. The default OpenMPI installed with OFED 1.4 is version 1.2.7.  iWARP
support is officially not added until OpenMPI 1.3.

6. Loopback functionality is still not seen by all vendors.  (this has
relevance to OFED feature enhancement #1275

7.  Dynamic links support was not seen by all vendors when using Intel MPI.


Testing is ongoing with RC3 and future 1.4RCs on a best effort basis until
the GA, at which time the Logo Event will be held for those participating.
 If you have additional questions about these comments,  the
Interoperability Events, Logo Events,  or the OFA Interoperability Test
Plan, please feel free to contact us here at UNH-IOL,  our OFA
Interoperability Logo Group team can be reached at
The testplan, logo list and past logo reports can be reviewed at

Best Regards,
- Bob Noseworthy
 Chief Engineer / Technical Sherpa
   +1-909-891-0090 {unified phone number for office, cell, etc}
 +1-603-862-0090 {IOL Main number-associate this with any shipments}

Rupert Dance wrote:
I have sent another reminder to UNH IOL to get this logged. I will
to follow up on this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tziporet Koren [] Sent: Sunday,
October 19, 2008 8:48 AM
To: Rupert Dance
Subject: Have you opened bugs to OFED 1.4
I mean the bugs you explained in the last OFED meeting.


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