On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 11:53 -0800, Vu Pham wrote:
> Our hw/fw guys confirm that there is no problem, my suspect is wrong.
> To explain clearly how hw translate from remote rdma address to physical 
> address in fmr's MTT
> X = requested/rdma_va - MPT.start + MPT.fbo
> MTT index = X / MPT.blocksize
> MTT offset = X % MPT.blocksize
> PA = MTT[index] + MTT offset
> MPT - memory protection table
> MTT - memory translation table

Thanks for following up... unfortunately, we're still in the dark as to
the bug this was intended to solve. :/

And thanks for the information about how the mapping works, that's good
to know.
Dave Dillow
National Center for Computational Science
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(865) 241-6602 office

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