Greetings all,

I am building out a new server that gives us more storage (/home and /var
are nearly full), greater file security with offsite backups, and less
cost. It's still hosted by the same provider. I expect complete migration
to be done by end of April or sooner. I'm currently working on getting user
accounts transferred and specific services set up. Currently, the basic
services are set up.

But, I'd like to make sure I'm transferring only the user accounts needed
and archiving those not needed. I've seen a few accounts that are no longer
needed, and want to see if anyone knows of accounts not needed. If you are
on this list and no longer using the server for development or other
purposes, please let me know - either through this list or at



*Ken Strandberg*
*OpenFabrics Alliance*
ewg mailing list

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