·       OFED 3.12

o   Status update

In the last EWG meeting, Intel was asked when ports of the qib driver to the 
3.12 kernel and the included distros (RHEL 6.5, 6.4 and SLES 11.3) would be 
finished, to help enable an RC1 for OFED 3.12.
Our target is 1/08/2014 for completing that work.


·       Action Requests

o   Emulex: Pradeep Kankipati 11/11/2013

§  Resolve the compilation issue in Emulex libocrdma Bug 

o   Rupert: 11/25/2013 - Contact maintainers to provide updates for OFED 3.12

§  Chelsio - send email to Chelsio engineers

§  NFSoRDMA - send email to Jeff Becker (NASA)

o   Tatyana: 11/25/2013 - Work on backport of Intel  NES drivers for 3.12

o   Vlad: 11/25/2013 - Work with Mellanox engineers to resolve Bug 2452

·       Open items

o   Next meeting?

Monday, December 23, 2013, 09:00 AM US Pacific Time
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