
Attached are release notes for libfabric and librdmacm for OFED 3.18.

- Sean
             Open Fabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED)
                    RDMA CM in OFED 3.18 Release Notes
                           June 2015

Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. New Features
3. Known Issues

1. Overview
The RDMA CM is a communication manager used to setup reliable, connected
and unreliable datagram data transfers.  It provides an RDMA transport
neutral interface for establishing connections.  The API concepts are
based on sockets, but adapted for queue pair (QP) based semantics:
communication must be over a specific RDMA device, and data transfers
are message based.

The RDMA CM can control both the QP and communication management
(connection setup / teardown) portions of an RDMA API, or only
the communication management piece.  It works in conjunction with the verbs
API defined by the libibverbs library.  The libibverbs library provides the
underlying interfaces needed to send and receive data.

The RDMA CM can operate asynchronously or synchronously.  The mode of
operation is controlled by the user.

The RDMA CM also provides the rsocket implementation.
Rsockets is a protocol over RDMA that supports a socket-level API
for applications.  Rsocket APIs are intended to match the behavior
of corresponding socket calls.  A preload library is included as part of
the RDMA CM package, which allows many socket based applications to run
unmodified over rsockets.

2. New Features
for OFED 3.18

Enhancements to the librdmacm release 1.0.21, versus the 1.0.18 release,
mostly centered around bug fixes.  Notable feature enhancements include
the following.

* There were several updates and bug fixes to the rsockets code based
  on more extensive testing and use cases.  Rsockets now supports the
  use of native InfiniBand addressing.

* The RDMA CM was updated to support XRC QPs.

* The rsocket preload library allows for fine grained interception of
  socket calls.

3. Known Issues
The RDMA CM relies on the operating system's network configuration tables to
map IP addresses to RDMA devices.  Incorrectly configured network
configurations can result in the RDMA CM being unable to locate the correct
RDMA device.

If you experience problems using the RDMA CM, you may want to check the

   * Verify that you have IP connectivity over the RDMA devices.  For example,
     ping between iWarp or IPoIB devices.

   * Ensure that IP network addresses assigned to RDMA devices do not
     overlap with IP network addresses assigned to standard Ethernet devices.

   * For multicast issues, either bind directly to a specific RDMA device, or
     configure the IP routing tables to route multicast traffic over an RDMA
     device's IP address.
Version 1.0
Released on May 03, 2015

Libfabric is a communication library that exports interfaces for
fabric services to applications.  Libfabric is the core component
of the Open Fabrics Interfaces (OFI) framework.

Libfabric has the following objectives:

* High-performance: provide optimized software paths to hardware
  - Independent of hardware implementations
* Scalable: targets support for millions of processes
  - Designed to reduce cache and memory footprint
  - Scalable address resolution and storage
  - Tight data structures
* Application-centric
  - Interfaces co-designed with application developers and hardware
* Extensible
  - Easily adaptable to support future application needs

OFI is being developed by the OFI Working Group (OFIWG) a subgroup
of the OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA).  Participation in OFIWG
(pronounced o-fee-wig) is open to anyone, regardless of their
membership in OFA.

The goal of OFI and libfabric is to define interfaces that enable
a tight semantic map between applications and underlying fabric
services.  Specifically, libfabric software interfaces have been
co-designed with fabric hardware providers and application developers,
with an initial focus on the needs of HPC users.  OFI supports multiple
interface semantics, is fabric and hardware implementation agnostic,
and leverages and expands the existing RDMA open source community. 

For more information regarding the OFI project, please visit the OFIWG
GitHub site:

OFI targets support for the Linux operating system. A reasonable effort
is made to support all major, modern Linux distributions; however,
validation is limited to the most recent 2-3 releases of RedHat
Enterprise Linux (RHEL)and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES).
OFI aligns its supported distributions with the most current
OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED) software releases. With
the exception of the sockets provider, which is provided for development
purposes, distro support for a specific provider is vendor specific.

Libfabric will also run on OS-X, but OS X support is provided as a convenience
for developers.

Bugs, issues, or requests for feature enhancements may be made directly to
the github issues list:

Additionally, users may post questions, comments, bugs, etc. to the OFIWG
mailing list.  (Don't be bashful.  We don't bite.)

Patches may be submitted using github (preferred) or posted to the OFIWG
mail list.

To install from a libfabric source package run the following commands:

./configure && make && make install

If building directly from the libfabric git tree, run './'
before the configure step.
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