We are getting very close to OFED 4.8 GA.

Thanks everyone for your continued support!

Attendees                          Company
Pradeep Kankipati            Broadcom
Arlin Davis                         Intel
Bill Schmidt                        Intel
Tatyana Nikolova             Intel
Jim Ryan                            OFA
Vladimir Sokolovsky        Mellanox
Rupert Dance                    Software Forge
Ram Amrani                      Qlogic/Cavium

Adit Ranadive                    VMware


*   Opens

?  QIB disabled in kernel 4.8 build, bug #260

?  Bill Schmidt will verify low visibility for kernel.org 4.8 and final RC4 is 

?  Vlad will provide qib team with recommendation for driver fix in bug #2630

*        Fix deferred until 4.8-1 if team lowers priority/visibility

?  Cavium qedr driver request for 4.8, agreed to 4.8-1; please move in a timely 

?  Vlad will start on OFED 4.8-1 soon

*        qedr and vmw_pvrdma drivers will be added, plus bug fixes

*        Please notify Vlad and EWG if anything else needed so we can plan

?  OFED 4.8-2 will come later, targeting RH 7.4/SUSE 12SP3 in fall 2017.

*   OFED 4.8 RC4 released (thanks Vlad!)

?  http://downloads.openfabrics.org/OFED/ofed-4.8/OFED-4.8-rc4.tgz


?  Changes from RC3:

?  compat-rdma:  revert "iwpmd: enable port mapper for iWarp providers."

?  updated packages: infiniband-diags-2.0.0,  removed libibmad (deprecated)

?  install.pl:  disable QIB driver on kernel 4.8,  disable inband support for 

?  Blocking Bug Status - no new critical blocking bugs reported

*        RC4 testing starts today, one week to complete.

*        Open any new RC4 critical bugs immediately, notify EWG list.

*        Will call for OFED GA on Monday, June 12th, if all goes well.



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