Slight correction below...

On 08/14/2017 11:01 AM, Woodruff, Robert J wrote:

  * Opens
  * OFED 4.8-1 status:
  * User Package Update
  * Bug Report – Critical/blocking

  * 2631 – An SRP Reject from an SRP target causes SL7.3/OFED crash

  * Fails on OFED 4.8 out of the box, requires OFED+ib_srp_backports

  * 2632- SRP login failure for SL7.2 and OFED 4.8-rc4 (ib_srp:Sending
    CM DREQ failed)

  * Fails on SL7.2, Works on SL7.3 and OFED-4.8

  * 2633 – NFS over RDMA kernel modules are not supported in OFED 4.8

Susan Coulter
Woody Woodruff
Rupert Dance
David ??? from IBM
Jeff Becker
Steve Wise
Jim Ryan
Rajalaxmi  Angadi
OFED-4.8-1: There is a first daily build posted on 8-7-2017, _OFED-4.8-1-20170807-0808.tgz_ <> that is available for early testing. It contains the new rdma-core v14. Not sure if any of the backports for the Cavium or Broadcom drivers made it in yet as there were no representatives present from Cavium or Broadcom. Jeff Becker said he is still working on the backports for NFS/RDMA. He has it working on RHEL 7.3, but still fixing a bug he found on SLES 12 SP 2 and will submit patches for those once he completes his debug
and updates for SLES 12 SP 2.
I've only tested module loading so far, so "working on RHEL 7.3" should really be: NFS/RDMA module loads correctly on RHEL7.3
No updates on if DDN is still working on any additional fixes for SRP. Rupert will ask Marty. Open Item: RHEL 6.x support. There was a discussion on the ewg list if it would be possible to do a follow on to 3.18-2 to include bug fixes, since OFED-4.8-x does not support that older RHEL version. Need more discussion on this, since Vlad could not attend this week and is a key person needed to make a decision either way. We will defer this discussion/decision to the next meeting.

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