Hey Arlin,

The webex url says the meeting as been canceled.  Also the callin number
is not valid.


On 9/8/2018 10:17 AM, Davis, Arlin R wrote:
> Join WebEx meeting
> <https://intel.webex.com/intel/j.php?MTID=md6fe01c44425f96823a06b5bf3fad270> 
> (updated link)
> Meeting number (access code): 598 150 156  
> Dial 598150...@intel.webex.com <sip:598150...@intel.webex.com> 
> you can also dial and enter your meeting number.  
> Audio connection:
> +1-210-795-1110 US Toll
> +1-866-662-9987 US Toll Free
> Global call-in numbers <javascript:void(0)>| Toll-free dialing
> restrictions <https://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf>
> Agenda:  
> ·        Opens
> ·        OFED-4.17 daily build (Sept 6th):
> https://downloads.openfabrics.org/downloads/OFED/ofed-4.17-daily/OFED-4.17-20180906-0743.tgz
> o   Kernel core component/driver status
> o   Distro/backport status (RH7.4, RH7.5, SLES12.3, SLES15)
> o   Library and ULP status
> Regards,
> Arlin
> ----
> Minutes from Aug 27th:  
> ·        Opens
> o   Intel seeing new issues with ewg/ofiwg email lists getting tagged as
> spam. No one else having issues. Arlin will work with Ken S.
> o   Software Forge is running into OpenMPI issues with rdma_core
> libraries. Will wait for backports or try 4.17 version.
> §  Intel will also test OpenMPI on latest OFED.
> ·        OFED-4.17 daily build (Aug 22nd):
> https://downloads.openfabrics.org/downloads/OFED/ofed-4.17-daily/OFED-4.17-20180822-1352.tgz
> o   Mellanox
> §  All core backports done (RH7.4, 7.5, SLES12.3, 15), still testing
> §  IPoIB, SRP, iSER Host, NVMe Host done
> §  iSER target and NVMeoF target backports still in process
> §  NFS-RDMA being worked (7.5?) by Jeff Becker, no update this week.
> §  All connectX drivers upstream are included in OFED
> o   Chelsio
> §  Still working SLES12.3, RH7.4 is done, patches need to be sent out –
> Steve will check on status
> o   Broadcom
> §  Still working on 7.5 netdev bugs, hope to make progress this week.
> o   Cavium
> §  Still working on 7.4, FW update issue has been resolved.
> o   Intel
> §  i40iw on 4.17 still needs validation testing, Tatyana will check and
> report back.
> §  qib (True Scale) 7.5 backports still in process, will attempt to
> complete by next meeting.
> o   VMware
> §  No update
> o   Huawei
> §  No activity or formal request seen by ewg so far.
> o   RC/GA Timeline
> §  *Everyone agreed to a target of mid-September for RC1  *
> §  Stretch goal to get to an RC2 for Interop/Debug Event in early October.
> _______________________________________________
> ewg mailing list
> ewg@lists.openfabrics.org
> https://lists.openfabrics.org/mailman/listinfo/ewg
ewg mailing list

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