You're very welcome.

On Feb 23, 3:36 pm, Art <> wrote:
> Chris,
> Thanks a lot. I would've spent weeks (not to say months) to figure
> this out.
> Tks again,
> Art.
> On Feb 21, 12:11 pm, Chris Spicer <> wrote:
> > Hi Art,
> > Contract codes are always a pain.  The following functions generate
> > the previous n codes:
> > Option Explicit
> > Private MonthCodes() As String
> > Public Function GetExpiredCodes(currentContract As String,
> > noOfPreviousContracts As Integer) As String()
> >     Dim startMonthCode As String
> >     Dim monthCode As Integer
> >     Dim year As Integer
> >     Dim previousContracts() As String
> >     ReDim previousContracts(1 To noOfPreviousContracts)
> >     ' Split code out into month and year
> >     startMonthCode = Left(currentContract, 1)
> >     year = Right(currentContract, 1)
> >     AssignMonthCodes
> >     ' Match our month code to an integer value
> >     Dim i As Integer
> >     For i = 1 To 12
> >         If MonthCodes(i) = startMonthCode Then
> >             monthCode = i
> >         End If
> >     Next i
> >     For i = 1 To noOfPreviousContracts
> >         ' Roll through the months
> >         monthCode = monthCode - 1
> >         If (monthCode = 0) Then
> >             monthCode = 12
> >             ' Roll through the years
> >             year = year - 1
> >             If (year < 0) Then
> >                 year = 9
> >             End If
> >         End If
> >         previousContracts(i) = MonthCodes(monthCode) & year
> >     Next i
> >     GetExpiredCodes = previousContracts
> > End Function
> > Private Sub AssignMonthCodes()
> >     ReDim MonthCodes(1 To 12)
> >     MonthCodes(1) = "F"
> >     MonthCodes(2) = "G"
> >     MonthCodes(3) = "H"
> >     MonthCodes(4) = "J"
> >     MonthCodes(5) = "K"
> >     MonthCodes(6) = "M"
> >     MonthCodes(7) = "N"
> >     MonthCodes(8) = "Q"
> >     MonthCodes(9) = "U"
> >     MonthCodes(10) = "V"
> >     MonthCodes(11) = "X"
> >     MonthCodes(12) = "Z"
> > End Sub
> > Regards,
> > Chris Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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