ca1 ca2 ca3 ca4

12 123 1 23

7 8 9 5

4 6 7 6

i have tthe above exel data with coln names as ca1,ca2,ca3 etc . i
need the result like

    ca1 ca2 ca3 ca4   rank1 rank2 rank 3

     12 123  1   23      ca3 ca4 ca1

      7   8 9   5          ca4 ca1 ca2

      4   6 7   6         ca1 ca2 ca4

rankings are based on the minimium values. but i need to get the name
of the column under the ranking fields. for example in the first row
min value is 1 but i need the name of the column i.e ca3. this is for
all the rows.

Pls help thanks

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