I am, admittedly, a newbie.

I've done some research on my problem, however, and found solutions
for each part... but seemingly not a way to tie them together.

I have an Excel spreadsheet with three worksheets -- Dashboard, Cover
and Form. I want to put a command button on the Dashboard that will
(a) insert values from some cells on Form into the footer on Form,
then (b) select Cover and Form, and (c) open the Print dialog with
"Active Sheet(s)" defaulted to "true."

I have each piece -- header/footer insertion; printing multiple
worksheets -- cracked by itself, but can't figure out how to combine

Code I'm using for the footer insertion is below. I've had it
functioning as both a BeforePrint event and a standalone macro.

Dim WS As Worksheet
For Each WS In Worksheets
Worksheets("FCHC-Form").PageSetup.LeftFooter = _
"&""Arial,Regular""&8" & "Examiner: " & Range("U3").Value

Worksheets("FCHC-Form").PageSetup.CenterFooter = _
"&""Arial,Regular""&8" & "Examination Date: " & Range("D6").Value

Worksheets("FCHC-Form").PageSetup.RightFooter = _
"&""Arial,Regular""&8" & "Subject: " & Range("T3").Value
Next WS

... And this works for selecting the worksheets and then opening Print
dialog with "Active Selection" highlighted:

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("FCHC-Form").Select False

res = Application.Dialogs( _
xlDialogPrint).Show(, , , , , , , , , , , , 1)

I SO appreciate any help anyone can provide!

Some important links for excel users:
1. Excel and VBA Tutorials(Video and Text), Free add-ins downloads at 
2. Excel tutorials at http://www.excel-macros.blogspot.com
3. Learn VBA Macros at http://www.vbamacros.blogspot.com
4. Excel Tips and Tricks at http://exceldailytip.blogspot.com

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Ayush Jain  @ jainayus...@gmail.com or
Ashish Jain @ 26may.1...@gmail.com

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