I have the following code:
Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'create a new window

Dim web As String
Dim AccountCol As Integer
   Account_Col = 5
   Switch_Col = 7
   web = Sheets("sheet3").Range("B1").Value
   DoBrowse1 web
End Sub

Sub DoBrowse1(url As String)
Dim TargetFrame As String
Set BTS = CreateObject("Internetexplorer.Application")
BTS.Visible = True
BTS.Navigate url
End Sub

Which opens up a page, this page I can programically navigate and open
another page
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim i_CurRow As Integer

i_CurRow = ActiveCell.Row
'ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, col_ANONYMOUSCALL).Value = "YES"
T_Account = ActiveSheet.Cells(i_CurRow, Account_Col).Value
'T_Account = Sheets("Main").Cells(i_CurRow, Account_Col).Value
T_Switch = ActiveSheet.Cells(i_CurRow, Switch_Col).Value

If Not BTS Is Nothing Then
   whatpage (BTS)
End If

If Not BTS.Visible = True Then
   BTS.Visible = True
End If

  With BTS.document.BTSQueryBean  'document name = "BTS" form name =
  .btsswitch.Value = Trim(T_Switch)
   .ACCTNO.Value = Trim(T_Account)
   .submit '.Click
    End With
  ' calls BTS Detail screen
 'waiting (40)
  waiting (2)
 spage = BTS.document.DocumentElement.outerHTML
 CMTSValue = BTS.document.BTSDetailBean.CMTS.Value
 AcctValue = BTS.document.BTSDetailBean.ACCTNO.Value
End Sub


All is good to this point, now, my next button, goes to a child of the
above page, and here is where I lose control.... The child is NOT
using the handle of the parent (BTS) so, how can I get data to and
from it? And submit the apply or close buttons

Private Sub FeaturesLine1_Click()
  With BTS.document.BTSDetailBean  'document name = "BTS" form name =
   .featid0.Click    'This launched the features screen, which I
cannot control!<<<<<<
End With

End Sub

This now opens a new windows, no scroll balls, or ie menus (modeless?)
screen, almost like a popup, that has data I need to retrieve and then
possibly change and finally hit the "APPLY and then the "CLOSE"

the HTML for the child page is available, but here are some of the key
Here is the calling button press:
 <input  type="button" value="FEATURES" class="button" id="featid0"
onClick="launchFeatures('0', 'RTPKCABTPS0', 'S8770350472355221-1',
'0', 'CTXG_INDIVIDUAL', 'CHANGE', 'null');">

Here is the code that actually launches the child
function launchFeatures(a, b, c, i, catg, act, racfpilot)
   var m,u;
   var tn =  document.BTSDetailBean.subservtn[i].value;
   if ( tn == null || tn == "" )
      alert ("Please enter subscriber telephone number")
      return false;

   u = "./feature.jsp?subidx=" + a + "&clli=" + b + "&subid=" + c +
"&subtn=" + tn + "&catg=" + catg + "&action=" + act +
"&racfpilotcode=" + racfpilot;
   return true;

The child page's form name is

<form name="BTSFeatureBean" method="POST" action="/bts/jsp/

Any ideas how I could do this?

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