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Carl Ross <> wrote:

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Carl Ross <>
>Date: Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 11:31 AM
>Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ sorry, the file is attached now....
>I have attached a workbook if anyone should dare try to figure this oout for
>me....I would appreciate it.
>This is a little complicated but here it goes.
>I work for the Dept. of Transportation in WV. I use a program named ArcMap.
>It is a really complicated mapping program. It uses excel spreadsheets to
>populate certain files.
>ArcMap has to have the Excell spreadsheets in a spreadsheet format. It wont
>work if the spreadsheet is a dropdown list.
>I created a road file for the county. It is the Main sheet. It has Columns
>for Route Numbers, Road Name, Code, Beg Milepost, End Milepost and so on.
>(Codes are 201=patch, 288=ditch,303=mow)
>The rows are each of our roads (intersecting cells A10,A11,A12...) . I add
>data by clicking under the appropriate road (row) and clicking "insert".A
>new blank row is added under the appropriate road and data is added across
>the row as needed ...Everyday.
>We use this to keep track of all of the work that is done on each road.
>Having said that....Arcmap only needs to link to  certain columns out of the
>ones on the MAIN sheet. I have  these copied and pasted on the other
>worksheets. There are 3, one for each type of work that is kept track of by
>ArcMap, (patch,ditch,mow). The other columns not included on the other 3
>sheets but are in the MAIN sheet, have to be on the MAIN  sheet though
>because  we use them for other things.
>What I want is to able to add a new row under a road and add data. I need
>the same road in the corresponding sheet to have a new row added and data
>added as well, dynamicly.
>In other words, when I add a new row under say route 17/11, Brock Hollow on
>the MAIN sheet by clickiing on it and clicking "insert", I want the sheet
>ArcMapFairmontPatch2010 to add a new row under 17/11 and copy the data I
>entered into the MAIN sheet, into this one.
>Here is how ArcMap works with it. It will not populate a road on the map
>until I have a BegMP of 0.00 and a EndMP number(however long the road is)..
>BOTH on one of the 3 sheets(not MAIN) Both numbers have to be there or the
>road wont light up.
>I was hoping that Excel could watch the "Code" column in the MAIN sheet and
>if a "certain" code number was entered, it would populate the BegMP number
>with 0.00.
>You see, I have the EndMilepost already entered  for all of the roads but
>ArcMap wont light the road up until both are entered.Seeing as how almost
>every road starts with the BegMP of  0.00, Excel would only have to enter
>the same data everytime (0.00) into the BegMP cell. So, when it sees the
>correct code number on a certain sheet , entered on the MAIN sheet, it
>populates the BegMP with 0.00 everytime on the corresponding sheet.
>If you notice on the Patch sheet, there are certain road with 0.00 already
>entered. These are roads that have been done. ArcMap will light these up
>since both BegMP and EndMP are populated.
>If you can figure out a way that whenever a certain column(RouteNumbers) and
>another column(Code) BOTH are populated in the MAIN sheet with the correct
>reference....then the Beginning Mileposts cell that corresponds to that
>route, is populated with 0.00.
>In other words, if Route 17 is on both the MAIN sheet and the other
>corresponding sheet.....and it has a code of say...201......then the
>Patching worksheet with route 17 on it gets a 0.00 in the Beginning
>Mileposts cell.(the end Mileposts have already been entered previously.
>Say, route 14/1 is on both the Main sheet and the Ditching sheet. Whenever
>someone types in the Code column on the MAIN sheet....288 (for ditching) the
>worksheet for ditching is waiting for both the route number 14/1 and the
>code 288 to appear on the correct columns on the MAIN sheet before it enters
>0.00 into route 14/1's BegMilepsost on the Ditching sheet.

Some important links for excel users:
1. Excel and VBA Tutorials(Video and Text), Free add-ins downloads at
2. Excel tutorials at
3. Learn VBA Macros at
4. Excel Tips and Tricks at

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