Thank you.  yes, I was saying AK40 was "Supply"  I couldn't remember 
"AK40" and just named it. It never once crossed my mind that it was 
checking the word Supply instead of the cell AK40. In cell AK40, I 
have a list of values it may be- 101, 
201,202,203,301,302,401,402,403,403, etc. I have different colors for 
each value.

Ok, thanks for your help. You have no idea how much value it was to me.


At 2009-09-14  01:53 PM, you wrote:
>I missed your original post, but I went out and found it:
>Get value of AK40, call it "Supply"
>Select case "Supply"
>         Case 101:
>                 DoThis("C10"),Green,White
>                 DoThis("J10"),Green,White
>                 DoThis("AB10"),Green,White
>         Case 201
>                 DoThis("C10"),Blue,White
>                 DoThis("J10"),Blue,White
>                 DoThis("AB10"),Blue,White
>         Case else
>                 .Value= "ERROR. UNRECOGNIZED CODE VALUE."
>End Select
>Sub DoThis(ThisCell As Range, BackColor,FontColor) with ThisCell
>         .Interior.ColorIndex = BackColor
>         .Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
>         .Interior.ColorIndex = FontColor
>End With
>End Sub
>wow.. to begin at the beginning....
>Are you saying that "Supply" is the NAME of the
>cell AK40???
>or are you saying you're storing the value of the
>cell "AK40" in the VARIABLE called "Supply"?
>In your Select Case statement, what YOU are doing is
>testing the letters S-u-p-p-l-y and saying:
>If these letters ever equal 101, 201, etc..
>well.. it WON'T!!!
>let's say the answer to my first question is that you're
>using a VARIABLE called "Supply"...
>Then I would:
>Dim Supply
>Supply = Range("AK40").Value
>now Supply contains the value of the cell AK40.
>then the Case statement looks like:
>Select Case Supply
>now, as long as AK40 is 101 or 201, the Case statement should work
>Except for the else statement...
>when you use .Value
>the "." implies that the object you're assigning the "Value" to
>has been defined.. which you have not.
>Are you wanting the AK40 range to say "ERROR...."??
>then use:  Range("AK40").Value = "....."
>Your function / sub call is a mess.
>You're defining "ThisCell" as a "Range"object.
>the strings of characters "C10", "J10", "AB10" are not "Ranges"
>they're strings of characters.
>A "Range" is an object that has all kinds of attibutes.
>(try looking at "Range Object" and select Range Object Members,
>you'll find about 170 attributes)
>I did some simplistic cleanup and came up with:
>Option Explicit
>Sub test()
>     Dim Supply, stat
>     Const Black = 0
>     Const White = 2
>     Const Red = 3
>     Const Green = 4
>     Const Blue = 5
>     Const Yellow = 6
>     Const Magenta = 7
>     Const Cyan = 8
>     Supply = Range("C10").Value
>     Select Case Supply
>             Case 101
>                    stat = DoThis(Range("C10"), Green, White)
>             Case 201
>                    stat = DoThis(Range("C10"), Blue, White)
>             Case Else
>                     MsgBox "ERROR. UNRECOGNIZED CODE VALUE."
>     End Select
>End Sub
>Function DoThis(ThisCell As Range, BackColor, FontColor)
>  With ThisCell
>         .Interior.ColorIndex = BackColor
>         .Interior.Pattern = xlSolid
>         .Font.Color = FontColor
>  End With
>End Function
>You're going to have to record some macros to come up with the
>appropriate "constant values" that represent the colors.
>hope this gets you started.
>From: Robert Carneal USA <>
>Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 10:51:33 AM
>Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Did I do something wrong?
>Hello everyone-
>Thank you for allowing me to join this group. When I joined, I sent a
>post about VBA from the website. This was several days ago, and I
>have not seen the post appear yet. Was I supposed to wait X days
>before posting?
>I posted a VBA routine that seemed to be doing nothing- that is when
>I debug it, it runs top to bottom but does not yield any results. I
>was hoping someone might see something stupid I had done, and point
>it out. I can repost if that is all right.
>Thank you.

Some important links for excel users:
1. Excel and VBA Tutorials(Video and Text), Free add-ins downloads at
2. Excel tutorials at
3. Learn VBA Macros at
4. Excel Tips and Tricks at

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