Hi Tommy

Where did you get the code "name.copy" ? It doesnt work that way.

Its very simple

just write Range("a1")=name

when you use "=" operator, the value on the right hand side is assigned to
the variable on left side"

2009/11/9 Tommy <jntwh...@verizon.net>

> I need to be able to insert text into a cell using the “inputbox”
> function linked to a button. The macro below allows me to input the
> text, but getting it to go somewhere eludes me. I realize that
> "Copy.Name" doesn't work but how do i direct the entered text to a
> cell? Suggestions appreciated.
> Tommy
> Sub New_Name()
> Name = Application.InputBox("Enter New Name")
> Copy.Name
> Range("A1").Select
> ActiveSheet.Paste
> End Sub
> >

Hemant Hegde

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