Hi ,

i have automated some websites which are based on HTML .

It automates login and password input and then it clicks login.

I am not able to figure out which object will be used to handle frames
on this webpage.



Please help.....

I would not like to use sendkeys.

this webpage is XMLHTTP based.

Your suggestions and reference to other sources are welcome

some codes i have used before...........

Set UserN = appIEus.document.getElementsByName("txtUserLogin")
' clicking submit button

If Not UserN Is Nothing Then
    UserN(0).Value = "NameOfUser"

End If

Do While appIEus.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
 Do While appIEus.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop

'enter the password

Set PW = appIEus.document.getElementsByName("txtUserPassword")
' password
If Not PW Is Nothing Then
    PW(0).Value = "PassOfUser"

End If

' click 'Submit' button

Set sbmt = appIEus.document.getElementsByName("Submit")
' clicking submit button
If Not sbmt Is Nothing Then

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