Hi Mahesh,

You wrote:

*"Dear All

*for attach sheet i need formula or macro, I will appreciate any help on
1.if for code in column A ,status in column C is paid then D column status
should be process
2.if status in column C is not paid or awaiting then D column status should
be not to process
3. there is blank line between two codes in column A
below mention formula not working.
=IF(A3="","",IF(C3="Paid","Process","Not to process")) "

In the attached sheet, first two points have been closed. 3) point is not
clear at all.

Syntax of the If formula is as follows:

=IF(Condition,<Statement if condition is true>,<statement if condition is

If you can throw some more light on what do you want to achieve, then may be
we can help you



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Attachment: Sample+sheet(1).xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

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